Terms of Consignment

Authenticity Requirement

Glampot only accepts 100% authentic, pre-owned, or unused designer items in saleable condition. Sellers are responsible for ensuring the authenticity of their items. Glampot reserves the right to refuse any item if its authenticity cannot be verified.

Legal Ownership

By consigning items to Glampot, you affirm that you are the legal owner and have full authority to sell or consign the items. Items must not be counterfeit or obtained through illegal activities such as fraud or theft. All transactions must comply with anti-money laundering laws and applicable state and federal regulations.

Fees and Disposal of Counterfeit Items

Items proven to be counterfeit will incur a service fee of RM300 per item or RM700 per Hermes item. Glampot reserves the right to dispose of any items if the seller fails to pay the fee within 7 days or if the items remain uncollected 14 days after payment.

Goods Received Note

Upon consignment, sellers will receive a Goods Received Note detailing the items and the initially agreed-upon cost price.

Pricing Determination

The value of each item will be determined by Glampot based on factors such as demand, condition, and age. Any discounted prices will be discussed and agreed upon with the seller.

Liability for Natural Damage

Glampot is not liable for natural damage caused by storage or humidity. Consignment is at the seller’s own risk, including potential issues like leather press marks, discoloration, tarnishing, and other forms of natural wear.

Payment Schedule

Payments for items sold between the 1st and 15th of the month will be issued by the 25th of the same month. Payments for items sold between the 16th and the end of the month will be issued by the 10th of the following month, via bank transfer.

Payment Notification

Sellers will receive SMS or email notifications when payment is transferred to their bank account.

Status Updates

Glampot does not provide regular updates on the status of consigned items unless the seller contacts them with the item code from their receipt.

Minimum Consignment Duration

Items must remain with Glampot for a minimum of 60 days. If a seller collects an item within this period, a service fee of RM200 per item or RM600 per Hermes item will be charged.

Collection Requirements

The original Goods Received Note and valid identification (IC/Passport) must be presented by the seller or an authorized representative when collecting items.

Unsold Item Return

Glampot reserves the right to return any unsold items after 180 days or whenever deemed necessary.

Notification of Representative

If a representative is collecting items on behalf of the seller, Glampot must be notified in advance.

Return Item Collection

Return items must be collected within 60 days of the first notice. Uncollected items may be automatically shipped to the seller's mailing address.

Ownership of Uncollected Items

Glampot will assume ownership of uncollected return items after 6 months, following notice to the seller via SMS or call.

Amendment of Terms

Glampot reserves the right to amend these terms without prior notice.


Additional Terms & Conditions for the Consignment of Shoes


Risk of Consignment

Upon acceptance, Glampot will inspect shoes for any early signs of damage. However, consigning shoes is at the seller’s own risk.

Liability for Disintegration

Glampot is not liable for disintegration that occurs while shoes are in inventory or during client trials.

Return Policy for Disintegration

If shoes disintegrate within 2 weeks of purchase by a client, they will be returned to the seller.

Selection Criteria

To ensure quality and durability, Glampot will not accept shoes with rubber soles or cork that have not been worn for extended periods.